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Sagittarius is an optimistic seeker on a quest to understand the meaning of life.

About Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter and associated with the 9th house. The Sun is in Sagittarius from late November to late December, which is the transition from fall to winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Sagittarius seeks their personal understanding of the Universe by following their inner compass toward new adventures.

The polarity of Sagittarius is Gemini, which is Mutable Air. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis is about information vs. knowledge and facts vs. meaning.

Sagittarius Traits

  • natural optimism that can border on blind faith
  • always seeking new horizons and experiences
  • philosophical, constantly pondering life’s big questions
  • knack for seeing the big picture, can miss smaller details
  • can be brutally honest, sometimes to the point of tactlessness
  • insatiable curiosity and a love for learning and exploration
  • struggles with commitment, fearing the loss of personal freedom
  • inspires others with their enthusiasm and vision
  • can struggle with follow-through, easily distracted by new interests
  • tends to be lucky, landing on their feet in challenging situations
  • dislikes routine and mundane tasks, craving variety and excitement
  • battles between their desire for truth and their love of embellishment
  • gregarious nature, easily making friends wherever they go
  • tends to be restless, both physically and mentally
  • talent for synthesizing diverse ideas into cohesive philosophies

Planets and Points in Sagittarius

Sun: seeks meaning in life, eternally optimistic, straightforward, adventurous, philosophical, needs freedom, can be brutally honest
Moon: emotional need for freedom & meaning, nurtures with inspiration & wisdom, thrives on spontaneity & exploring new territory
Mercury: expansive, always seeking new knowledge, enthusiastic, optimistic, philosophical, independent, visionary
Venus: seeks adventure, values freedom, inspired by ideals, needs space to explore, passionate about growth
Mars: driven by a desire for freedom and exploration, enthusiastic approach to life, may be impatient or over-commit
Jupiter: intense need for freedom, wanderlust, feeling personally blessed by the Universe, expansive insight
Saturn: disillusionment with established beliefs, lack of hope, sense of futility, need to self-validate your beliefs
Chiron: wounds related to belief systems, higher education, different cultures, optimism, adventure, teaching, personal truth
Ascendant: views life as adventure, optimistic, loves learning, seen as inspiring and free-spirited, sometimes blunt or preachy
Midheaven: seen as optimistic, enthusiastic, wise, may have international focus, teaching or publishing fields, philosophical approach
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