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Leo is about the pure joy of being yourself

About Leo

Leo is a Fixed Fire sign. It is ruled by the Sun and associated with the 5th house. The Sun is in Leo from late July to late August, which is the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Leo represents the blossoming of individual creativity and self-expression. It embodies the warm, radiant energy of the sun at its zenith, symbolizing leadership, courage, and the joy of being oneself.

The polarity of Leo is Aquarius, which is Fixed Air. The Leo-Aquarius axis is about the collective vs. the individual, and the objective vs. the personal.

Leo Traits

  • charismatic, confident, and expressive
  • generous, warm-hearted, and fiercely loyal to loved ones
  • feels energized when in the spotlight or when inspiring others
  • enjoys luxury and the symbols of wealth
  • naturally gravitates towards leadership roles
  • can be stubborn in their opinions and resistant to criticism
  • strong sense of pride that can sometimes border on arrogance
  • loves admiration, appreciation, and being the center of attention
  • tends to be dramatic and make grand gestures
  • has a strong connection to children and youthful energy
  • natural ability to uplift others through their enthusiasm and warmth
  • can struggle with sharing the spotlight or playing supporting roles

Planets and Points in Leo

Sun: charismatic, charming, creative, proud, seeks recognition and admiration, generous with affection, dramatic, loyal, confident leader
Moon: warm & dramatic emotions, emotional need for admiration, feels secure when receiving recognition & praise, thrives on romantic gestures
Mercury: bold, dramatic, passionate, likes big ideas & grand visions, inspirational, creative, loves storytelling, dynamic, confident, can be dominating
Venus: needs to feel special, loves romance, craves attention & admiration, responds with generosity, loyal, loves boldly
Mars: driven to create and lead, thrives on recognition, may be prone to pride, thrives in environments where you can shine
Jupiter: expansive and inspirational creative style, strong need for authenticity & expressing personal truth, ego inflation
Saturn: blocked creativity, craving significance, feelings of inadequacy or insignificance, need to develop self-love
Chiron: wounds related to self-expression, creativity, romance, confidence, leadership, playfulness, need for recognition, joy, being seen
Ascendant: seeks recognition and attention, expresses warmth, perceived as confident and charismatic (possibly self-centered), natural leader
Midheaven: seen as warm, creative, big energy, dynamic, natural entertainer, charismatic, possibly self-centered or bombastic
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