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Mars in Astrology

Mars in Astrology

Mars represents action, drive, and the will to go after what we want

About Mars

Mars is the planet of action, aggression, and desire, and the lower octave of Pluto. Mars takes about 6-7 weeks to pass through each sign of the zodiac, but can stay in one sign for up to 8 months when it retrogrades (which it does once every two years).

Mars rule Aries, and is the traditional ruler of Scorpio. These signs form two polarities with Venus: Aries-Libra and Scorpio-Taurus.

Mars in our natal chart represents:

  • how we assert ourselves and pursue our desires
  • our drive, ambition, and motivation
  • how we experience and express anger
  • our physical energy and vitality
  • our competitive nature and how we face challenges
  • our sexual energy and expression (along with Venus)
  • how we initiate action and projects
  • our courage and willingness to take risks
  • what energizes us and what we fight for
  • our potential for impulsiveness, violence, and destruction

The flavor of all of the above will be determined by your Mars sign, house, and aspecting planets (see below).

Martial people. People with Mars strongly placed in their chart (for example, conjunct their Sun or Moon, or on their Ascendant or Midheaven), or who have a lot of Aries, tend to be energetic, assertive, and direct. They often have a strong physical presence, enjoy competition, and may be natural leaders or athletes. They can come across as bold or even aggressive, and tend to dislike passivity or indecisiveness.

Mythology. Mars is the Roman name for the Greek Ares, the god of war and bloodlust. He was the son of Zeus and Hera, but he was often in conflict with his parents and other gods. He was famously caught in an affair with Aphrodite (Venus), who was married to Hephaestus. His most notable conflict was with Athena, who represented wisdom and strategy in war, whereas Ares represented brute force and violence. His myths explore passion, aggression, and the consequences of unchecked anger.

Mars and Pluto

In Evolutionary Astrology (Jeffrey Wolf Green), Pluto represents the desire nature of the Soul to evolve toward awakening, and Mars instinctively acts on these desires. Soul evolution is accomplished through the playing out and exhausting of all desires until the only one that remains is the desire to return to Source.

We learn through the response of reality to our Mars-initiated actions, much like a child learns by touching a hot stove. We are all learning in this trial-and-error way as we go through life after life, driven by our Mars to act out the desires of our Soul.

Mars Challenges

The negative expression of Mars can include violence, recklessness, and disregarding other people's needs, rights, and boundaries. Aries is also known for being more accident-prone than other signs due to its tendency to rush.

Mars retrograde in the Natal chart. Mars being retrograde when you were born means your assertiveness and anger are directed inward. You might struggle with directly expressing anger or pursuing your desires, leading to passive behavior. Your Mars energy can feel like a slow burn instead of a blazing fire. This placement can lead to having more endurance, and developing independence regarding your will, desires, and how you meet them.

Saturn and Mars aspects. Saturn in hard aspect to your Mars can create a lack of confidence and feelings of weakness or powerlessness. There can be a sense of frustration, like you are being blocked in your attempts to assert yourself or achieve your goals. For more on the Saturn journey, see our Saturn Lessons report.

Mars in the Signs

Signs show the flavor or style Mars will express.

Mars in Aries: fiercely independent, thrives on challenges, acts quickly and decisively, natural leader, impulsive, prone to burnout or conflict
Mars in Taurus: patient and persistent, practical approach, prefer stability over risk, motivated by sensual pleasures, impressive determination
Mars in Gemini: quick on your feet, able to juggle multiple projects, thrives on mental stimulation, may struggle with follow-through
Mars in Cancer: motivated by the desire to protect and nurture, tenacious when defending loved ones, prefer to act behind the scenes
Mars in Leo: driven to create and lead, thrives on recognition, may be prone to pride, thrives in environments where you can shine
Mars in Virgo: methodical approach to challenges, driven to improve and serve, attention to detail, good at manual technical tasks
Mars in Libra: motivated by harmony and fairness, skilled at compromise, may struggle with indecision, energized by relationships and collaboration
Mars in Scorpio: strategic and focused, driven by a desire to understand, powerful determination, thrives on intensity & depth
Mars in Sagittarius: driven by a desire for freedom and exploration, enthusiastic approach to life, may be impatient or over-commit
Mars in Capricorn: ambitious and strategic, takes long-term view of success, determined in face of obstacles, willing to make sacrifices
Mars in Aquarius: motivated by a desire to challenge the status quo, energized when you’re fighting for something bigger than yourself
Mars in Pisces: driven by a desire to connect with the spiritual or emotional aspects of life, fluid approach to challenges

Mars in the Houses

Houses show the area of life Mars is active in.

Mars in the 1st House: assertive personality, proactive approach to life, strong physical presence, focus on bodily health and fitness
Mars in the 2nd House: active approach to building wealth, impulsive spending or financial risk-taking, active acquisition of possessions
Mars in the 3rd House: energetic and assertive in communication, tendency to debate, enjoys fast-paced lifestyle with frequent local trips
Mars in the 4th House: dynamic home life, passionate about roots and heritage, potential for family conflicts, drive to establish secure home
Mars in the 5th House: bold creative expression, passionate romantic pursuits, competitive in sports and games, enjoys active hobbies
Mars in the 6th House: vigorous work ethic, energetic daily routines, intense health practices, risk of overworking, conflict at work
Mars in the 7th House: passionate connections, direct confrontation in relationships, attraction to assertive or competitive partners
Mars in the 8th House: power struggles, primal relationship to sex, intense anger, traumas from violence or abuse, conflicts in marriage
Mars in the 9th House: enjoying intellectual debate, ideological conflicts, crusader mentality, high-risk travel, academic rivalry
Mars in the 10th House: competitive professional approach, conflicts with authority, reputation for aggression, career in army or police
Mars in the 11th House: power struggles or conflict with friends or groups, aggressive activism, friends as sparring partners, online arguments
Mars in the 12th House: repressed anger, institutional violence, intense or physical spiritual practices, non-violent martial arts practice
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