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Pisces is the emodiment of going with the flow

About Pisces

Pisces is a Mutable Water sign. It is ruled by Jupiter (traditional) or Neptune (modern) and associated with the 12th house. The Sun is in Pisces from mid-February to mid-March, which marks the end of winter and the transition to spring in the Northern Hemisphere. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the dissolution of boundaries, releasing of the ego, and the merging of the individual with greater spiritual substrate of reality.

The polarity of Pisces is Virgo, which is Mutable Earth. The Virgo-Pisces axis is about the mundane vs. the sacred, and discernment vs. dissolution.

Pisces Traits

  • boundless imagination, often living in a world of dreams and fantasies
  • absorbs emotions like a sponge
  • struggles with setting boundaries
  • natural affinity for the arts, especially music and poetry
  • can feel like a spiritual outsider, not quite fitting into the material world
  • chameleon nature, easily adapting to different environments
  • escapes reality through various means when overwhelmed
  • deep compassion for the suffering of others, often to their own detriment
  • intuitive understanding of the interconnectedness of all things
  • can play out victimhood or martyrdom dynamics in relationships
  • non-confrontational approach to conflict
  • drawn to the mystical, spiritual, or otherworldly
  • fluid sense of time, struggles with punctuality and deadlines
  • gift for seeing potential in others that they may not see themselves
  • desires to merge and lose themselves
  • subtle, ethereal charm that can be both alluring and elusive
  • complex relationship with reality, sometimes preferring illusion
  • ability to go with the flow, adapting to life's currents

Planets and Points in Pisces

Sun: intuitive, compassionate, imaginative, sensitive to energy & emotions, dreamy, artistic, goes with the flow, spiritually connected
Moon: fluid emotions, comfort through connection to Spirit or ancestors, emotional need to merge with others or Spirit, highly sensitive
Mercury: poetic, compassionate, empathic, creative, insightful, can seem vague or dreamy, values connection and intuition over facts
Venus: seeks soulful connection, wants to merge, idealistic in love, needs sensitive and spiritually attuned partner
Mars: driven by a desire to connect with the spiritual or emotional aspects of life, fluid approach to challenges
Jupiter: mystical search for meaning, intuitive spiritual understanding, travel to remote areas, belief in surrender
Saturn: fear that fate will destroy or control you, loneliness, powerlessness, need to develop trust in the unknown
Chiron: wounds related to spirituality, imagination, empathy, boundaries, escapism, intuitive abilities, dreams, surrender, addiction
Ascendant: sensitive to energetic currents, perceived as gentle and empathetic but may also seem elusive and mystical
Midheaven: seen as empathetic, imaginative, idealistic and intuitive, may seen dreamy or out of touch
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