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The Twelve Astrological Themes

Astrology describes universal, collective patterns of human experience. When you combine astrology's 10 main planets/bodies, 12 signs, and 12 houses, you get the 12 themes described below (Mercury and Venus rule two signs each). Please see the Astro Profile report to find out which themes are strongest in your chart.


Ready for a Challenge

Aries, Mars, 1st house

Desire: to act, to initiate, to assert oneself, to overcome challenges

Gift: courage, enthusiasm, leadership, ability to take action and overcome obstacles

Shadow: impulsiveness, aggression, selfishness, inability to cooperate

Purpose: to bring energy and initiative to the world, to make things happen

Growth: find activities and work that challenges you, pick your battles, channel anger constructively



Enjoying Sensation

Taurus, Venus, 2nd house

Desire: to have a stable environment, to enjoy sensory pleasures, to build material security, to create beauty

Gift: patience, reliability, appreciation for beauty, practicality, being methodical, calm

Shadow: inflexibility & slowness to change, materialism & possessiveness, stagnancy

Purpose: to enjoy being alive in a body, to cultivate and appreciate the physical world

Growth: surround yourself with beautiful objects, connect with nature regularly, protect your peace



Always Learning

Gemini, Mercury, 3rd house

Desire: to learn, to network, to gather and share information, to follow your curiosity

Gift: versatility, adaptability, seeing multiple perspectives.

Shadow: scattered focus, superficiality, mental overload, gossip, lying, manipulation

Purpose: to gather and synthesize data about reality, to connect diverse concepts or people

Growth: give yourself unstructured time to learn, prioritize, find ways to ground your mental energy



Protecting Innocence

Cancer, Moon, 4th house

Desire: to care for others, to create a safe and nurturing environment

Gift: empathy, emotional intelligence, creating a sense of home and belonging

Shadow: moodiness, over-sensitivity, clinging to the past, emotional manipulation, enmeshment, inability to let go

Purpose: to provide emotional support, to create a sense of family and belonging

Growth: develop emotional self-sufficiency, set healthy boundaries, let go of past hurts



Born to Shine

Leo, Sun, 5th house

Desire: to express oneself, to be seen and loved, to inspire others, to be creative, to be oneself, to play

Gift: creativity, charisma, warmth, leadership, generosity

Shadow: inflated ego, attention-seeking, self-absorbed, stubborn, domineering, immaturity, insensitivity

Purpose: to bring joy and creativity into the world, to inspire others to shine their own light, to bring warmth

Growth: develop genuine self-love regardless of external validation, share the spotlight



Devoted to Effectiveness

Virgo, Mercury, 6th house

Desire: to create order, to be useful, to act with devotion, to discern what is needed

Gift: pragmatism, humility, dedication, discernment, seeing how things can be improved

Shadow: being overly critical of self or others, inability to let go of details and see the bigger picture

Purpose: to refine & improve, to bring devotion to daily life, to do small things well

Growth: appreciate others best efforts, accept that life will always be messy & imperfect, and move forward anyway



Seeking Peace

Libra, Venus, 7th house

Desire: to create harmony, to relate socially with others, to find balance and fairness

Gift: diplomacy, charm, ability to see multiple perspectives, appreciation for beauty

Shadow: indecisiveness, conflict avoidance, codependency, superficiality

Purpose: to foster cooperation and mutual understanding, to bring beauty and balance to relationships

Growth: develop sense of self, accept there is no perfect choice, develop strong conflict-resolution skills



Transforming Pain to Power

Scorpio, Pluto, 8th house

Desire: to protect oneself, to experience intensity and depth, to be fully alive, to find union in sexual intimacy

Gift: psychological insight, emotional depth, ability to survive, being fully engaged

Shadow: paranoia, power struggles, obsessiveness, manipulation, recreating trauma, self-destruction

Purpose: to transmute pain, to reclaim power, to evolve, to release the past, to be reborn, to regenerate

Growth: tend to your need for safety, resolve trauma, surrender to change, cultivate vulnerability & trust, use power ethically



Following Your Path

Sagittarius, Jupiter, 9th house

Desire: to see how everything fits together, to follow your internal compass, to live an epic life, to wander freely

Gift: optimism, confidence, hope, faith, wisdom, authenticity, inspiring & teaching others

Shadow: exaggeration, preaching or lecturing, being dismissive of suffering

Purpose: to expand our awareness, to create meaning, to find and share wisdom

Growth: validate others viewpoints & experience, cultivate humility, accept life as it is



Contributing to Society

Capricorn, Saturn, 10th house

Desire: to achieve, to build structures, to gain authority and respect, to create security & safety, to work

Gift: discipline, responsibility, persistence, ability to plan and execute long-term goals

Shadow: rigidity, status-seeking, workaholism, fear of failure, sense of inadequacy, imposter syndrome

Purpose: to create lasting, meaningful structures in the world, to embody integrity and wisdom

Growth: seek roles that give you authority, cultivate self-compassion, find mentors



Breaking the Rules

Aquarius, Uranus, 11th house

Desire: to innovate, to break free of constraints, to unite for collective change, to destroy the old and create a better future

Gift: sudden breakthroughs, humanitarian ideals, rejection of tradition, commitment to vision

Shadow: rebelliousness for its own sake, detachment, unpredictability, dogmatic idealism

Purpose: to change society, to unite people around shared ideals

Growth: accept your uniqueness, share your vision, develop emotional connections that support your authenticity



Longing for Magic

Pisces, Neptune, 12th house

Desire: to experience bliss, to avoid harshness, to commune with the Divine, to escape mundane reality

Gift: compassion, imagination, spiritual insight, ability to tap into collective consciousness

Shadow: escapism, self-deception, victim-savior dynamics, boundary issues, rose-colored glasses, naivete

Purpose: to transcend the ego and experience consciousness directly, to transcend duality

Growth: give yourself time & space to retreat & dissolve into Oneness in healthy ways, develop discernment & healthy boundaries

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