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The Planets in Astrology

Linked below are overviews of the main ten astrological planets.

Personal Planets

Societal Planets

Transpersonal Planets

A note about the transpersonal planets as spiritual teachers

  • Uranus disrupts our lives, producing disorientation, which then forces us to reorient in a more free, authentic direction.
  • Neptune is a siren song that pulls us into a false ecstasy, until we become disillusioned and choose to see the truth.
  • Pluto rips away from us the thing we thought we needed to survive, so we learn who we are without it, and we reclaim our power.
Are they harsh teachers? You betcha! The harshest! But they serve a purpose, which is your liberation, enlightenment, and empowerment. And those are not always pretty processes. (And I'm describing them here at their most dramatic, as how they serve the spiritual path.)
Below are not planets, but still important points in your chart.




The section below discusses how planets affect you when they are dominant in your chart. Please see the Astro Profile report to find out which planets are strongest for you. Keep in mind that a planet’s expression will be affected by the sign it is in. The best way to understand how is to learn the sign elements and modes.


Confident & Expressive

Solar people: radiate a strong sense of self and purpose, possess natural leadership qualities, desire to express their unique creativity, have a powerful need for recognition

You may struggle with: seeing past your own perspective, ego inflation

To grow: learn to share the spotlight, develop humility, empathy, and emotional intelligence



Nurturing & Protective

Lunar people: are highly attuned to emotions, have strong instincts, possess a deep need for emotional security, are naturally nurturing and empathetic, and usually deeply connected to their past and family

You may struggle with: volatile moods, becoming overly dependent, inability to let go

To grow: learn to balance emotional sensitivity with healthy boundaries and self-reliance



Curious & Communicative

Mercurial people: are curious, adaptable, possess a strong need to gather and share information, excel in mentally demanding fields, often have writing or speaking talents

You may struggle with: restlessness, challenges in focusing deeply on a single topic

To grow: ground mental energy, develop capacity for consistency, commitment, and depth



Charming & Refined

Venusian people: value beauty, harmony, and pleasure, can be charming and diplomatic, have a natural ability to create comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environments, seek relationships, excel in the arts

You may struggle with: conflict avoidance, overindulgence

To grow: go beyond superficial harmony or sensory delights, develop true value and genuine harmony



Energetic & Assertive

Martial people: are driven, courageous, assertive, action-oriented, direct, and need to be challenged

You may struggle with: impatience, anger, impulsivity, boredom, restlessness, reactivity, selfishness, insensitivity

To grow: consciously channel your energy, develop patience & diplomacy, pick your battles, pursue what makes you feel alive, manage your anger



Optimistic & Expansive

Jupiterian people: are optimistic, open-minded, attracted to grand ideas and experiences, have a strong sense of faith (religious, philosophical, or personal), possess expansive visions that can be inspiring

You may struggle with: lack of empathy, dismissiveness when others are struggling

To grow: accept that life isn't always an epic adventure, and that's OK



Disciplined & Hard Working

Saturnian people: possess a strong sense of responsibility, discipline, and ambition, tend to be serious and hardworking, have a natural ability to create structure and achieve long-term goals, are patient and persevering

You may struggle with: emotional coldness, feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure

To grow: embrace your need to work, learn self-love & self-compassion, enjoy frivolity now and then



Innovative & Independent

Uranian people: are original, independent, and future-focused, often have a talent for technology, science, or unconventional fields, rebel against existing structures and limits to actualize their ideal vision for humanity

You may struggle with: detachment, alienation, shocking or abrupt endings

To grow: learn to hold your vision while also valuing the human needs for connection and continuity



Imaginative & Sensitive

Neptunian people: are imaginative, sensitive, and spiritually inclined, tend to be compassionate and idealistic, may have psychic or artistic abilities

You may struggle with: confusion, escapism, difficulty in setting boundaries, delusion, romanticising

To grow: develop grounded discernment, find healthy ways to experience magic and wonder while tending to mundane realities



Transformative & Intense

Plutonic people: often experience intense & painful life events that offer the opportunity to transform & reclaim personal power if they access their natural regenerative abilities

You may struggle with: defensiveness, resistance to change, obsessive attachments, paranoia

To grow: surrender & let go of whatever is trying to leave your life, learn ways to process your pain, take responsibility for your experience



Focused on Healing

Chironic people: have a deep sensitivity to pain, are driven to help others overcome challenges, possess unique healing perspective

You may struggle with: feelings of woundedness or being flawed, feeling like an outsider

To grow: turn toward the pain, reject self-judgement based on socialization, develop self-compassion, recognize your inherent wholeness, help others heal

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