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North Node

North Node

The North Node represents how your Soul is evolving in this lifetime

This understanding of the North Node comes primarily from Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green. EA sees the natal chart as a map of the Soul's evolutionary goals for this life, within the context of many lifetimes.

About the North Node

The North Node of the Moon is always opposite the South Node in the chart, and together they form the Nodal Axis. The Nodes, along with Pluto, forms the basis of your evolutionary plan for this lifetime. By studying the Nodes and Pluto, you can understand the intention of your Soul to grow, and to resolve any prior life unfinished business (karma).

Pluto is the "why" behind our evolution—the core Soul intention. The Nodes are the "how"—the specific life modes that will help us actualize our Pluto desires. They are the identity structure the Soul uses to enact its evolutionary program.

While the South Node represents our prior lifetime identities and how we carried out the program last time around, the North Node is usually new territory for us. We may have resistance to it, because it's the polarity of our South Node, which is the comfort zone that we've become very familiar with (and potentially highly skilled at) in prior lifetimes.

It's not necessary to pursue North Node activities on purpose (unless you want to). The evolutionary journey will happen on its own, and sometimes you won't even realize that certain activities were related to your North Node until you reflect on them later. Not all the associations are immediately obvious—your North Node in Leo doesn't necessarily mean you're going to become a rock star or an influencer. It could just be the slow development of confidence and courage in your creative abilities, and a willingness to be seen for them.

The only thing that’s required for growth is to release attachments when it’s time, and be willing to embrace new ways of being.

North Node in the Signs

Signs show the qualities your Soul wants to develop.

North Node in Aries: independence, self-reliance, confidence to trust your instincts, courage to take risks, owning your desires and needs
North Node in Taurus: financial security, emotional resilience, resourcefulness, self-worth, inner peacefulness & stability, beauty & music
North Node in Gemini: break down and examining your ideas to validate them, developing logical thinking and communication skills, build your network
North Node in Cancer: build close relationships with a sense of belonging & comfort, build self-care practices, nurture your family, be vulnerable
North Node in Leo: take charge of your own destiny, develop the will to create your personal vision, live from the heart, warmth, confidence, joy
North Node in Virgo: develop practical problem solving skills to improve daily life, pay attention to details, bring a quality of service to your work
North Node in Libra: develop social grace, diplomacy, appreciate beauty and harmony, enjoy the experience of relating, cooperation, interdependence
North Node in Scorpio: explore darkness & depth, pursue intimacy, own your power and desires, embrace passion and intensity, take risks, explore kinks
North Node in Sagittarius: explore your beliefs and philosophy, travel, explore other cultures, learn and teach wisdom, follow inner truth
North Node in Capricorn: self-discipline, self-determination, pursue long-term goals, ambition, build structures that support society
North Node in Aquarius: question the status quo, follow your own vision, embrace your individuality, pursue humanitarian causes, study science & tech
North Node in Pisces: retreat to connect with Spirit, develop imagination & intuition, embrace sensitivity & empathy, allow flights of fancy

North Node in the Houses

Houses show the areas of focus your Soul wants to develop.

North Node in the 1st House: develop your own identity and voice and vision for your life, maintain freedom to actualize your unique destiny & purpose
North Node in the 2nd House: develop material security, beautify your home and possessions, define your values, cultivate stability, enjoy grounding in nature
North Node in the 3rd House: develop communication skills, focus on local environment/neighborhood, follow your curiosity, network & share information
North Node in the 4th House: establish roots & a family home, develop inner emotional security, embrace private/inner life, explore heritage & ancestors
North Node in the 5th House: explore personal passions, develop creative projects, support inner child, build self-love & joy from the inside out
North Node in the 6th House: focus on effectiveness in your work and daily life, develop supportive daily routines, be of service in a practical way
North Node in the 7th House: embrace learning through relationships, collaborate, build relational awareness, recognize projections, develop empathy
North Node in the 8th House: do trauma healing work, explore occult or taboo topics, embrace your own power, share resources with intimate partners
North Node in the 9th House: expand your horizons, pursue higher education or self-study, travel, develop your personal philosophy of life, publish a book
North Node in the 10th House: develop inner discipline and self-responsibility, build a positive reputation, set and achieve long-term goals, embrace ambition
North Node in the 11th House: get involved in groups or clubs, create projects with friends, contribute to a shared vision for a better world
North Node in the 12th House: release the need to control life, stop compartmentalizing, allow & appreciate everything as it is, try psychedelics
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