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Libra wants the world to be the beautiful place it can see in its mind

About Libra

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, ruled by Venus and associated with the 7th house. The Sun is in Libra from late September to late October, which marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Libra represents the principle of balance, harmony, and cooperation. It symbolizes the equilibrium of day and night at the fall equinox, and our quest for fairness, beauty, and mutuality.

The polarity of Lira is Aries, which is Cardinal Fire. The Aries-Libra axis is about independence vs. relating.

Libra Traits

  • motivated by principles of fairness and justice
  • innate sense of balance and harmony, often playing peacemaker
  • charming social grace that puts others at ease
  • can be indecisive, weighing all options before making a choice
  • often excels in artistic or aesthetic pursuits
  • sometimes loses individual identity in relationships
  • natural diplomatic skill, sees all sides of an issue
  • avoids conflict, sometimes at the expense of honesty
  • tends to intellectualize emotions and overthink
  • idealizes love, often chasing the perfect relationship
  • talent for creating harmonious environments, both social and physical
  • struggles with directness, often using tact to the point of vagueness
  • gift for mediation, able to find common ground between opposites
  • can feel incomplete when single, thriving in the dynamics of partnership
  • subtle flirtatious charm, can unintentionally lead others on
  • can prefer to see the world through rose-colored glasses
  • chameleon who adapts to different social situations
  • can struggle to say no or be assertive

Planets and Points in Libra

Sun: diplomatic, socially graceful, principled, cooperative, weighs all options carefully, peacemaker, seeks harmony, appreciates beauty
Moon: emotional need for fairness & principles, uncomfortable with conflict, comforted by beauty, instinctually cooperative & peace-seeking
Mercury: graceful, considerate, diplomatic, seeking balance, wants to see both sides, good listener, principled, justice-oriented, can be indecisive
Venus: natural romantic, seeks balance, values harmony, attracted to refinement, needs peaceful partnership
Mars: motivated by harmony and fairness, skilled at compromise, may struggle with indecision, energized by relationships and collaboration
Jupiter: idealistic & principled worldview, rose-colored glasses around how society should work, loves philosophical discussion
Saturn: fear of rejection, fear of dependency or vulnerability, lack of true connection, need to cultivate emotional independence
Chiron: wounds related to relationships, decision making, conflict avoidance, social grace, fairness and justice, idealizing love
Ascendant: perceives life through lens of fairness, seen as graceful and diplomatic, natural mediator but sometimes indecisive
Midheaven: seen as fair and balanced, diplomatic, justice-oriented, peaceful, may work in aesthetic professions
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