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Progressed Mercury in the Signs

The movement of progressed Mercury depends on if it was retrograde in your chart or soon after you were born. On average, it changes signs every 20-30 years Mercury reflects your mental processes and communication style. Your progressed Mercury reflects changes in how you process information, express your ideas, and learn. If your progressed Mercury changes from direct to retrograde, it can lead to a period of deep reflection.

Learn more about Mercury in astrology.

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Progressed Mercury in Aries

Themes: Direct and assertive communication style, quick thinking and decision-making, impulsive speech, enthusiasm in expressing ideas, tendency to argue or debate, focus on self-expression, pioneering thoughts and concepts, impatience with slow or complex explanations, preference for action over lengthy discussions, confidence in mental abilities.

Progressed Mercury in Taurus

Themes: Methodical and practical thinking, focus on concrete and tangible ideas, slower but more thorough information processing, persistence in learning new skills, communication centered on values and resources, preference for sensory learning experiences, stubbornness in opinions, interest in financial planning and material security, appreciation for arts and crafts.

Progressed Mercury in Gemini

Themes: Heightened curiosity and mental flexibility, increased verbal skills and wit, interest in diverse topics and multitasking, quick learning and information gathering, emphasis on local connections and short trips, enjoyment of wordplay and puzzles, tendency towards scattered thinking, improved ability to explain complex ideas simply, interest in writing and communication technology.

Progressed Mercury in Cancer

Themes: Emotionally-influenced thinking and communication, intuitive decision-making, focus on personal and family history, interest in genealogy and traditions, protective communication style, tendency to reminisce, empathetic listening skills, subjective interpretation of information, interest in home-based learning or work, nurturing approach to teaching others.

Progressed Mercury in Leo

Themes: Confident and dramatic communication style, focus on creative self-expression, desire to be heard and appreciated for ideas, leadership in intellectual pursuits, enjoyment of public speaking, tendency towards grand plans and ideas, interest in entertainment and performative arts, pride in mental abilities, charismatic teaching style, emphasis on personal anecdotes in communication.

Progressed Mercury in Virgo

Themes: Analytical and detail-oriented thinking, focus on practical problem-solving, increased critical analysis skills, interest in health and nutrition information, perfectionist tendencies in communication, emphasis on efficiency and organization, enjoyment of research and fact-checking, preference for precise language, interest in developing practical skills, attention to grammar and syntax.

Progressed Mercury in Libra

Themes: Diplomatic and balanced communication style, focus on fairness and considering all sides, interest in partnership and relationship dynamics, appreciation for beautiful language and art, tendency to seek consensus in discussions, enjoyment of intellectual debates, emphasis on social etiquette in communication, indecisiveness due to weighing options, interest in mediation and conflict resolution.

Progressed Mercury in Scorpio

Themes: Deep and penetrating thought processes, focus on hidden meanings and motivations, interest in psychology and the occult, investigative and research-oriented mindset, powerful and persuasive communication style, tendency towards secrecy in information sharing, ability to understand complex emotional dynamics, interest in taboo subjects or the Underworld, strategic thinking in problem-solving, intensity in intellectual pursuits.

Progressed Mercury in Sagittarius

Themes: Expansive and optimistic thinking, interest in philosophy and higher learning, focus on the big picture rather than details, enthusiasm for foreign languages and cultures, tendency towards exaggeration in communication, enjoyment of storytelling and teaching, interest in publishing and broadcasting ideas, direct and honest communication style, curiosity about different belief systems, spontaneous problem-solving approach.

Progressed Mercury in Capricorn

Themes: Practical and structured thinking, focus on long-term planning and strategy, interest in business and organizational systems, cautious and measured communication style, emphasis on credibility and authority in speech, preference for traditional learning methods, interest in history and established knowledge, ability to simplify complex concepts, pragmatic approach to problem-solving, emphasis on career-related communication.

Progressed Mercury in Aquarius

Themes: Innovative and unconventional thinking, interest in scientific and technological advancements, focus on humanitarian ideals and social progress, enjoyment of intellectual discussions and debates, tendency towards original and inventive ideas, interest in group dynamics and networking, objective and detached communication style, appreciation for unique perspectives, focus on future-oriented concepts, interest in alternative education methods.

Progressed Mercury in Pisces

Themes: Intuitive and imaginative thinking processes, interest in spiritual and metaphysical concepts, heightened sensitivity to non-verbal communication, tendency towards abstract and symbolic language, interest in poetry and creative writing, empathetic listening skills, difficulty with linear or logical thinking, appreciation for music and rhythm in speech, tendency towards daydreaming and visualization, interest in dream interpretation and subconscious patterns.
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