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Progressed Saturn in the Signs

Saturn moves about one degree in 10 years in a progressed chart, so it will only change signs in your lifetime if it started in the last 5-10 degrees of a sign. Saturn pushes us to grow up, take responsibility, and work toward our long-term goals. When your progressed Saturn changes signs, it can bring desires to achieve mastery in a new area, as well as a new set of lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome on the way to that mastery.

Learn more about Saturn in astrology.

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Progressed Saturn in Aries

Themes: A desire to develop willpower and manifest personal desires, challenges around self-confidence and assertiveness, overcoming shyness or insecurity, cultivating courage.

Progressed Saturn in Taurus

Themes: A desire for material security and self-worth, challenges around greed or self-denial, needing to develop inner security and self-worth.

Progressed Saturn in Gemini

Themes: A desire to communicate fluently and be understood, challenges around the mind and speech, intellectual insecurity, practicing and building confidence in communication skills.

Progressed Saturn in Cancer

Themes: A desire for emotional stability and to feel loved, challenges around emotional instability, difficulty in feeling close to others, a need to heal childhood emotional wounds.

Progressed Saturn in Leo

Themes: A desire to freely express personal creativity and be seen, feelings of inadequacy or insignificance, overcoming creative blocks, cultivating self-love and self-validation.

Progressed Saturn in Virgo

Themes: A desire to contribute in a meaningful way, feeling stuck in the wrong job but unable to leave, overcoming fears of taking risks or making mistakes, need to cultivate self-support (transform the inner critic).

Progressed Saturn in Libra

Themes: A desire to connect in partnership, fear of rejection or vulnerability, overcoming a lack of authentic connection, cultivating emotional independence.

Progressed Saturn in Scorpio

Themes: A desire to connect and surrender within intimacy, fear of betrayal, overcoming fear of trusting another, need to heal trauma and cultivate self-empowerment.

Progressed Saturn in Sagittarius

Themes: A desire for clarity and faith in your beliefs, struggles with disillusionment or doubt, sense of futility, need to develop your own worldview and validate your own beliefs.

Progressed Saturn in Capricorn

Themes: A desire for personal authority and accomplishment, fear of failing to measure up, self-denial, overcoming self-consciousness, develop self-compassion.

Progressed Saturn in Aquarius

Themes: A desire to be accepted and belong as you are, feeling alienated or outcast, overcoming loneliness, cultivating self-acceptance.

Progressed Saturn in Pisces

Themes: A desire to experience unity, fear of dissolution and helplessness, self-isolation, feelings of guilt or impotence, cultivating surrender and trust in the unknown.
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