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Progressed Mars in the Signs

The progressed Mars moves more slowly, changing signs anywhere from 45-60 years. Mars symbolizes your drive, assertiveness, and how you take action. As your progressed Mars moves through signs, you may notice changes in how you assert yourself, pursue your desires, and express anger or passion. This progression can affect your energy levels, the types of activities you’re drawn to, and how you approach challenges or conflicts in your life.

Learn more about Mars in astrology.

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Progressed Mars in Aries

Themes: Increased assertiveness and initiative, direct approach to pursuing goals, quick to act on desires, competitive spirit in all endeavors, preference for independent action, impatience with obstacles, courage to take risks, leadership in physical activities, tendency towards impulsive decisions, channeling anger into productive action.

Progressed Mars in Taurus

Themes: Steady and persistent approach to goals, focus on practical and tangible results, increased determination and stubbornness, channeling energy into financial pursuits, sensual approach to physical activities, preference for slow and methodical action, resistance to change, strength and endurance in efforts, tendency to dig in heels when opposed.

Progressed Mars in Gemini

Themes: Mental agility and quick reflexes, pursuing multiple interests simultaneously, verbal assertiveness and debate skills, restless energy seeking variety, curiosity driving action, adaptability in pursuing goals, tendency towards scattered efforts, enjoyment of intellectual challenges, using wit as a weapon, increased local travel and communication.

Progressed Mars in Cancer

Themes: Emotionally driven actions, protective instincts guiding efforts, indirect approach to confrontation, motivation to create security, fluctuating energy levels based on moods, tenacity in pursuing personal goals, defensive reactions when threatened, channeling energy into home and family matters, intuitive timing in taking action, nurturing approach to leadership.

Progressed Mars in Leo

Themes: Confident and dramatic approach to action, desire for recognition in pursuits, channeling energy into creative projects, leadership with flair and charisma, pride driving ambition, generosity in efforts, courage to take center stage, competitive spirit in games and sports, passionate pursuit of romantic interests, using willpower to achieve goals.

Progressed Mars in Virgo

Themes: Precision and efficiency in actions, focus on perfecting skills and techniques, analytical approach to problem-solving, channeling energy into work and service, attention to detail in pursuits, critical assessment of efforts, desire to be useful and productive, interest in health and fitness regimens, methodical approach to achieving goals, tendency towards self-criticism in performance.

Progressed Mars in Libra

Themes: Diplomatic approach to assertiveness, motivation to create fairness and balance, energy directed towards partnerships, desire for cooperation in pursuits, indecisiveness before taking action, channeling competitive drive into social causes, using charm to achieve goals, preference for teamwork, assertion through negotiation and mediation, discomfort with direct confrontation.

Progressed Mars in Scorpio

Themes: Intense and focused pursuit of goals, strategic approach to action, desire for power and control, channeling energy into investigations and research, passionate drive in intimate relationships, ability to overcome obstacles through sheer willpower, interest in taboo or hidden subjects, using psychological insights to achieve aims, tendency towards secretive actions, transformative approach to conflicts.

Progressed Mars in Sagittarius

Themes: Enthusiastic pursuit of goals, desire for adventure and expansion, channeling energy into learning and travel, optimistic approach to challenges, motivation to spread ideas and beliefs, spontaneous actions driven by faith, interest in sports and outdoor activities, direct and honest communication of desires, tendency to take risks, pursuit of philosophical or spiritual aims.

Progressed Mars in Capricorn

Themes: Disciplined and ambitious approach to goals, patience in pursuing long-term objectives, channeling energy into career and status, calculated risk-taking, desire for authority and respect, endurance in overcoming obstacles, pragmatic approach to action, motivation to build lasting structures, self-control in expressing anger, using traditional methods to achieve aims.

Progressed Mars in Aquarius

Themes: Unconventional approach to taking action, channeling energy into humanitarian causes, desire for freedom and independence in pursuits, innovative problem-solving, motivation to bring about social change, collaborative efforts in group projects, sudden bursts of inspiration leading to action, interest in scientific or technological pursuits, rebellion against restrictive systems, detached approach to conflicts.

Progressed Mars in Pisces

Themes: Intuitive approach to action, fluctuating energy levels, channeling efforts into spiritual or artistic pursuits, indirect methods of achieving goals, motivation driven by compassion and idealism, difficulty in asserting personal desires, actions influenced by subconscious patterns, interest in mystical or escapist activities, tendency towards passive-aggressive behavior, using imagination to overcome obstacles.
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