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Progressed Midheaven in the Signs

The progressed Midheaven is calculated based on the movement of the Sun, so as the Sun moves about 1 degree a year, so does the MC. Therefore it changes signs roughly every 30 years. The Midheaven represents your public reputation or professional role, status, and the position in life you aspire to. When your progressed Midheaven changes signs, it can expand or shift either your goals, reputation, or the "why" behind your choices in the public arena.

Learn more about the Midheaven in astrology.

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The Progressed Midheaven in Aries

Themes: A more bold and direct approach to your career and public life, taking initiative, competitiveness, becoming more independent and assertive in professional pursuits, taking risks to achieve success, using your career as a platform for action and achievement of your personal goals.

The Progressed Midheaven in Taurus

Themes: Stabilizing your career and public life, building long-lasting security and material wealth, becoming more patient and methodical in achieving goals, seeking a career that provides comfort and financial stability, adopting a steady and practical attitude, using your career as a way to create tangible value and comfort.

The Progressed Midheaven in Gemini

Themes: A more communicative and versatile approach to your career and public life, focusing on adaptability, networking, and intellectual engagement, becoming more curious and open to learning in professional pursuits, seeking multiple career paths or roles that allow mental stimulation, using your career as a platform for sharing ideas and information.

The Progressed Midheaven in Cancer

Themes: A more nurturing approach to your career and public life, creating a sense of belonging and emotional security in your work, becoming more attuned to feelings in your professional environment, opportunities to care for or support others, a protective and compassionate attitude, viewing your career as a means of emotional fulfillment, home-life balance.

The Progressed Midheaven in Leo

Themes: Creativity and self-expression in your career and public life, leadership, visibility, personal recognition, becoming more confident in showcasing your talents, seeking roles that put you in the spotlight, boldness and charisma, using your career as a platform for personal achievement and creative influence.

The Progressed Midheaven in Virgo

Themes: A more service-oriented and detail-focused approach to your career and public life, improving efficiency, organization, and practical skills, becoming more analytical and methodical in professional pursuits, seeking roles that allow you to solve problems and offer help to others, seeing your career as being of service.

The Progressed Midheaven in Libra

Themes: A more principled and relationship-oriented approach to your career and public life, focusing on fairness and cooperation, becoming more attuned to the importance of social harmony in professional settings, seeking roles that involve negotiation, aesthetics, or collaboration, counseling roles, advocacy around justice.

The Progressed Midheaven in Scorpio

Themes: Transformation and intensity in your career and public life, deep emotional investment and personal empowerment, becoming more strategic and determined, seeking roles that allow for significant transformation or psychological insight, viewing your career as a journey of personal power, change, and depth.

The Progressed Midheaven in Sagittarius

Themes: A more adventurous and expansive approach to your career and public life, focusing on growth, meaning, and freedom, openness to new opportunities and diverse experiences in your professional path, seeking roles that involve teaching, travel, or philosophical exploration, an optimistic and visionary attitude, viewing your career as a journey of broadening horizons and pursuing higher meaning.

The Progressed Midheaven in Capricorn

Themes: A more disciplined and ambitious approach to your career and public life, focusing on achieving long-term goals, structure, and status, becoming more determined and strategic in professional pursuits, seeking roles that offer responsibility and leadership, a practical and authoritative attitude, viewing your career as a platform for building lasting achievements.

The Progressed Midheaven in Aquarius

Themes: A more unconventional and forward-thinking approach to your career and public life, focusing on innovation, social impact, and individuality, being more open to change and unconventional career paths, seeking roles that allow you to challenge norms or work in technology, activism, or future-oriented fields, viewing your career as a way to contribute to collective progress.

The Progressed Midheaven in Pisces

Themes: A more intuitive and compassionate approach to your career and public life, focusing on creativity, spirituality, and empathy, becoming more sensitive to the emotional and unseen aspects of your professional life, seeking roles that allow you to express your imagination or help others in a spiritual or healing capacity, a more fluid and mystical attitude, viewing your career as a pathway to inner fulfillment and transcendent connection.
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