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Progressed Moon in the Signs

The progressed Moon is the fastest-moving planet in progressions, changing signs every 2-3 years. The Moon reflects your emotional life and instinctual responses. Your progressed Moon shows how your emotional needs and automatic responses to life are evolving over time. As your Moon moves through many signs and houses over the course of your life, it will affect what you find nurturing and emotionally rewarding, where you turn to for comfort, and how you feel about the area of life of the house it is in.

Learn more about the Moon in astrology.

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The Progressed Moon in Aries

Themes: Need to act independently and assert your own desires, instinctive responses becoming more direct and impulsive, emotional satisfaction through acting on personal will, spontaneous and explosive expression of emotions, taking initiative and taking risks, needing challenge and new experiences.

The Progressed Moon in Taurus

Themes: Emotions become more stable, finding comfort in sensory pleasures, desire to connect with nature, emotional satisfaction from consistency and tranquility, need for tangible material security, wanting more physical affection, expressing emotions in a more deliberate and measured way.

The Progressed Moon in Gemini

Themes: Emotional need for mental stimulation, becoming more adaptable, wanting emotional lightness and playfulness, communicating about feelings from a place of mental curiosity, comfort through social interactions, emotional satisfaction through intellectual exploration and learning.

The Progressed Moon in Cancer

Themes: Feeling emotions more deeply, seeking comfort and security and a sense of belonging, focusing more on family and home life, emphasis on intuition and vulnerability, emotional fulfillment through nurturing and caring for others, instinct to protect loved ones, comfort in familiar surroundings and close relationships, creating or needing a sense of home.

The Progressed Moon in Leo

Themes: A more passionate and dramatic emotional expression, need for attention and recognition, desire to be seen and appreciated, emotional fulfillment through creativity, generous and warm-hearted expression of emotions, desire for romance and playful experiences, heightened sensitivity to criticism or perceived rejection.

The Progressed Moon in Virgo

Themes: A more subdued and reserved emotional expression, need for solitude, desire for personal autonomy, comfort in order and routines, emotional satisfaction in solving problems and creating order, emotional need to be of service, analysis and self-improvement applied to emotions and inner life.

The Progressed Moon in Libra

Themes: Desire for peaceful and stable relationships, tendency to people-please or seek consensus, strong sense of fairness and justice, discomfort with conflict or strong emotional displays, desire for companionship and cooperation, emotional satisfaction in seeing or creating beauty and harmony.

The Progressed Moon in Scorpio

Themes: Intense emotions, need for authenticity and depth in relationships, desire to penetrate to the heart of emotional issues, tendency to obsess or fixate, increased need for privacy or secrecy, need for but also fear of emotional vulnerability, emotional stakes feel higher, shadow work, emotional exploration of death & darkness, psychological approach to feelings, desire for profound experiences and emotional honesty.

The Progressed Moon in Sagittarius

Themes: Optimistic and enthusiastic mood, emotional need for freedom and unlimited horizons, fulfillment through adventure, expressing emotions more openly and bluntly, finding meaning and personal truth in your emotions and inner life, desire for meaningful experiences and need to follow a path based on personal intuition.

The Progressed Moon in Capricorn

Themes: More serious and reserved, tendency to repress or contain emotions and desire, emotional maturity and responsibility, strong sense of duty and loyalty, comfort in tradition, higher need for safety and security, a tendency to be harder on yourself, cautious and risk-averse, emotional fulfillment through accomplishment of long-term goals.

The Progressed Moon in Aquarius

Themes: Emotional detachment, need for independence and individuality, intellectualizing emotions, unpredictability, strong desire for freedom, emotional satisfaction through contributing to collective progress, open-mindedness, idealism, comfort in doing things your own way, breaking emotional patterns, seeing emotions more objectively and less personally.

The Progressed Moon in Pisces

Themes: Heightened emotional sensitivity and empathy, tendency to blur boundaries, desire for unity and to merge with others, strong intuition and receptivity, potential for emotional overwhelm, tendency towards escapism, emotional connection to the unseen or mystical, heightened imagination, emotional fluidity and emotional healing.
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