Progressed Jupiter in the Signs
The progressed Jupiter moves about 1 degree every 5 years, so it will only change signs in your lifetime if it started in the later half of a sign.
Jupiter symbolizes expansion, optimism, and how we see big-picture personal truth. If your progressed Jupiter moves into a new sign, you may experience shifts in where you find meaning, and rethink the foundations of your worldview. The way you travel or pursue education may change focus or expand into a new area represented by the sign/house it is moving into.
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Jupiter in astrology.
Progressed Jupiter in Aries
Themes: The dreamy mysticism of Jupiter in Pisces is focused with the activation of the personal will. Testing philosophies through direct action, expanding worldview through bold or challenging new experiences, incorporation of more self-reliance or competitiveness into worldview, very strong need for personal freedom, exploration of individual desire as the basis of personal truth.
Progressed Jupiter in Taurus
Themes: The reckless optimism of Jupiter in Aries is stabilized and grounded. Exploring nature-based worldviews or beliefs, deepening trust in material abundance, exploring your values and what you appreciate as the basis for personal truth, investing resources in education, travel to beautiful places, collecting art or unique possessions through travel.
Progressed Jupiter in Gemini
Themes: The physically tuned-in Jupiter in Taurus expands into new mental realms. Insatiable curiosity, intellectual expansion, flexibility and adaptability in beliefs and philosophies, synthesizing diverse ideas and perspectives, teaching through writing or speaking, pursuing a wide variety of directions in educational or travel.
Progressed Jupiter in Cancer
Themes: The mentally expansive Jupiter in Gemini turns its attention to new emotional realms. Exploring personal beliefs on a more intuitive and emotional basis, worldview based on family or nurturing, travel and study related to ancestry, optimism or faith related to your family connections or home, learning or teaching about emotions or intuition.
Progressed Jupiter in Leo
Themes: The other-focused Jupiter in Cancer starts to shift in a more individualized direction. Emphasis on authenticity and personal truth, strong sense of optimism and confidence, a worldview that celebrates uniqueness and individual creativity, truth found in following your heart and passions, learning and development around leadership and self-expression.
Progressed Jupiter in Virgo
Themes: The self-oriented Jupiter in Leo expands its generosity and heart into service and humility. Getting precise and detailed about personal philosophy or worldview, developing a more practical or problem-solving approach to growth and personal development, teaching as a form of service, pursuit of higher education in a field related to analysis or health.
Progressed Jupiter in Libra
Themes: The precise and practical Jupiter in Virgo expands its focus to include social and intellectual dimensions. Idealism and principles as basis of worldview, philosophical discussions, expansion of social awareness and justice orientation, growth and learning through 1:1 interactions, travel with a partner, optimism and confidence around social engagement.
Progressed Jupiter in Scorpio
Themes: The principled and idealistic Jupiter in Libra confronts the gritty reality of human nature. Growth and learning through shadow work, worldview expanding to include the dark or complex aspects of life or an understanding of death, pursuing education around occult or taboo subjects, exploration of power as the basis for personal truth.
Progressed Jupiter in Sagittarius
Themes: The private and studious Jupiter in Scorpio starts to feel lighter and more optimistic. Wanderlust, intense need for freedom, feeling lucky and confident, a worldview based on optimism and boundless possibilities, growth through adventure and risk-taking, finding truth in diverse cultural experiences and belief systems, expansion of moral and ethical understanding, big-picture thinking, life as a grand adventure.
Progressed Jupiter in Capricorn
Themes: The free-wheeling Jupiter in Sagittarius settles down and starts taking life a bit more seriously. Life philosophy shifting to focus on personal responsibility and collective safety, finding wisdom in traditions, patience and perseverance as spiritual values, need to make ideas tangible as contributions to society, pursuing education as a career.
Progressed Jupiter in Aquarius
Themes: The practical and traditional Jupiter in Capricorn starts considering larger social ideals and principles. Life philosophy centered on social progress and humanitarian ideals, objectivity and detachment as tools for understanding, values of equality and universal brotherhood, interest in collective projects building utopian visions incorporating future tech, need for individual freedom of belief.
Progressed Jupiter in Pisces
Themes: The mentally expansive Jupiter in Aquarius develops a mystical consciousness. Worldview shifting to the spiritual and universal, focusing on unity and interconnectedness, life philosophy of going with the flow and following the natural course of events, expansion of idealistic visions into the romantic and dreamy, a more empathetic and sensitive view of life, travel to spiritual or remote places.