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Pluto-Saturn Aspects in the Natal Chart

This page is about all Pluto-Saturn aspects, like Pluto Conjunct Saturn, Pluto Opposite Saturn, Pluto Trine Saturn, Pluto Square Saturn, Pluto Sextile Saturn, Pluto Inconjunct Saturn. Hard aspects like conjunctions, squares, and oppositions tend to be more difficult than soft aspects like trines or sextiles. The closer the orb, the more intense the aspect.

We have a page about Pluto. I also highly recommend Jeffrey Wolf Green’s two Pluto books.

Register to get your free personal Pluto Report with sign, house, and aspects.

About Pluto-Saturn


  • establishing personal authority and role within society
  • understanding limits of personal and social power
  • learning appropriate methods to achieve ambitions
  • accepting responsibility for actions and their consequences
  • understanding how systems work
  • developing leadership abilities and recognizing them in others


  • conflicts with authority
  • fear of being controlled by larger forces
  • frustration with societal limitations and expectations
  • manipulative or abusive use of power to achieve goals
  • frustration with time required to establish authority
  • potential cataclysmic changes in career or social standing
  • undermining others to maintain position


  • leadership ability
  • balancing ambition with social responsibility
  • aligning personal authority with larger universal principles
  • regenerating stagnant societal structures
  • encouraging the capabilities of others without feeling threatened
  • understanding societal dynamics
  • patience in pursuit of long-term goals

About the Pluto Evolutionary Journey

In Evolutionary Astrology, natal Pluto represents our Soul’s desires and evolutionary intentions. Evolution occurs by playing out our desires until we exhaust them. Our intention includes integrating the polarity point (the opposite sign and house on the chart).

The nodes of the Moon are also a huge part of the evolutionary story. The South Node represents our past-life experiences, identity structure, and attachments we need to release. The North Node represents the identity structure that would most serve our evolutionary intention. This is how the nodes and Pluto fit together.

Pluto’s role in our life is in many ways to push or force us to give up our attachments to past ways of being so we can embrace new ways of being. This is not always a process we go through willingly—hence Pluto’s reputation as a harsh teacher. The best approach is to try to cooperate with the evolutionary changes that Pluto brings.

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