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Progressed Planets for Sample Person

Progressed planets show how you develop and change throughout your life. While your natal planets never change and will always be part of you, progressed planets show how you are evolving. Think of them as a supplement to your natal planets, not a replacement.
Notes on how progressions are calculated are at the bottom of the page if you are curious!

Sun Sun
Libra Libra
Sagittarius Sagittarius

Your Progressed Sun is at 1° 47' of Sagittarius and transiting your natal 11th House.
The progressed Sun spends about 30 years in a sign.
About the Progressed Sun
The Sun represents your sense of self, your purpose, and how you express who you are. When your progressed Sun changes signs, your core identity, life direction, and the way you express your individuality will expand into this sign, through the houses this sign occupies in your natal chart. It will play out over 30 years, so it will be a significant chapter in your life.
Themes for the Progressed Sun in Sagittarius
Expanding worldview and belief systems, desire for adventure and travel, increased optimism and faith, focus on higher education and philosophy, need for freedom and independence, interest in foreign cultures, publishing and teaching, development of personal ethics, spontaneity in decision-making.

Moon Moon
Scorpio Scorpio
Gemini Gemini

Your Progressed Moon is at 24° 35' of Gemini and transiting your natal 6th House.
The progressed Moon is the fastest-moving planet in progressions, changing signs every 2-3 years.
About the Progressed Moon
The Moon reflects your emotional life and instinctual responses. Your progressed Moon shows how your emotional needs and automatic responses to life are evolving over time. As your Moon moves through many signs and houses over the course of your life, it will affect what you find nurturing and emotionally rewarding, where you turn to for comfort, and how you feel about the area of life of the house it is in.
Themes for the Progressed Moon in Gemini
Emotional need for mental stimulation, becoming more adaptable, wanting emotional lightness and playfulness, communicating about feelings from a place of mental curiosity, comfort through social interactions, emotional satisfaction through intellectual exploration and learning.

Mercury Mercury
Scorpio Scorpio
Scorpio Scorpio

Your Progressed Mercury is at 12° 56' of Scorpio and transiting your natal 10th House.
The movement of progressed Mercury depends on if it was retrograde in your chart or soon after you were born. On average, it changes signs every 20-30 years
Mercury has not yet changed signs in your progressed chart.

Venus Venus
Virgo Virgo
Libra Libra

Your Progressed Venus is at 29° 49' of Libra and transiting your natal 10th House.
The progressed Venus changes signs approximately every 30 years, similar to the Sun.
About Progressed Venus
Venus represents your values, relationships, and what you find beautiful or pleasurable. When your progressed Venus changes signs, you may experience a shift in what you value in relationships, how you express affection, and what you find aesthetically pleasing. This can lead to changes in your personal style, the types of people you’re attracted to, and how you approach love and harmony in your life.
Themes for Progressed Venus in Libra
Strong desire for harmony and balance in relationships, emphasis on fairness and equality in partnerships, appreciation for beauty and aesthetics in romantic settings, diplomatic approach to resolving conflicts, desire for intellectual stimulation from partners, enjoyment of social events as a couple, indecisiveness in romantic choices, focus on compromise and cooperation, idealization of love and partnerships.

Mars Mars
Scorpio Scorpio
Capricorn Capricorn

Your Progressed Mars is at 1° 24' of Capricorn and transiting your natal 1st House.
The progressed Mars moves more slowly, changing signs anywhere from 45-60 years.
About Progressed Mars
Mars symbolizes your drive, assertiveness, and how you take action. As your progressed Mars moves through signs, you may notice changes in how you assert yourself, pursue your desires, and express anger or passion. This progression can affect your energy levels, the types of activities you’re drawn to, and how you approach challenges or conflicts in your life.
Themes for Progressed Mars in Capricorn
Disciplined and ambitious approach to goals, patience in pursuing long-term objectives, channeling energy into career and status, calculated risk-taking, desire for authority and respect, endurance in overcoming obstacles, pragmatic approach to action, motivation to build lasting structures, self-control in expressing anger, using traditional methods to achieve aims.

Jupiter Jupiter
Virgo Virgo
Libra Libra

Your Progressed Jupiter is at 4° 56' of Libra and transiting your natal 9th House.
The progressed Jupiter moves about 1 degree every 5 years, so it will only change signs in your lifetime if it started in the later half of a sign.
About Progressed Jupiter
Jupiter symbolizes expansion, optimism, and how we see big-picture personal truth. If your progressed Jupiter moves into a new sign, you may experience shifts in where you find meaning, and rethink the foundations of your worldview. The way you travel or pursue education may change focus or expand into a new area represented by the sign/house it is moving into.
Themes for Progressed Jupiter in Libra
The precise and practical Jupiter in Virgo expands its focus to include social and intellectual dimensions. Idealism and principles as basis of worldview, philosophical discussions, expansion of social awareness and justice orientation, growth and learning through 1:1 interactions, travel with a partner, optimism and confidence around social engagement.

Saturn Saturn
Libra Libra
Libra Libra

Your Progressed Saturn is at 7° 8' of Libra and transiting your natal 9th House.
Saturn moves about one degree in 10 years in a progressed chart, so it will only change signs in your lifetime if it started in the last 5-10 degrees of a sign.
Saturn has not yet changed signs in your progressed chart.

Sagittarius Sagittarius
Aquarius Aquarius

Your Progressed Ascendant is currently at 21° 16' of Aquarius.
The time the progressed Ascendant spends in a sign depends on the latitude of your birth. If you were born near the equator, it will be close to 30 years, but the further north or south from it you were born, the more it can vary depending on your individual chart.
About the Progressed Ascendant
The Ascendant represents a window through which you see the world and through which the world sees you, and is often unconscious. When your progressed Ascendant changes signs, it expands your outlook on life and can shift how you come across to other people.
Themes for the Progressed Ascendant in Aquarius
A more unconventional and unique approach to life, focusing on social causes and individuality, becoming more open to change and embracing new ideas, adopting a more detached or intellectual attitude, prioritizing freedom and originality, seeing the world through a lens of collective vision and future-oriented thinking.

Libra Libra
Sagittarius Sagittarius

Your Progressed Midheaven is currently at 10° 25' of Sagittarius.
The progressed Midheaven is calculated based on the movement of the Sun, so as the Sun moves about 1 degree a year, so does the MC. Therefore it changes signs roughly every 30 years.
About the Progressed Midheaven
The Midheaven represents your public reputation or professional role, status, and the position in life you aspire to. When your progressed Midheaven changes signs, it can expand or shift either your goals, reputation, or the "why" behind your choices in the public arena.
Themes for the Progressed Midheaven in Sagittarius
A more adventurous and expansive approach to your career and public life, focusing on growth, meaning, and freedom, openness to new opportunities and diverse experiences in your professional path, seeking roles that involve teaching, travel, or philosophical exploration, an optimistic and visionary attitude, viewing your career as a journey of broadening horizons and pursuing higher meaning.
How progressions are calculated


The progressed planetary positions are calculated based on the formula of 1 year = 1 day, meaning for every year you live, your progressed chart moves forward by one day. Therefore your progressed chart is equivalent to the transits that were happening over the several months after you were born.


The progressed angles & houses are calculated differently than planets. There are a few ways to calculate them, but one of the more popular methods that we are using here is to base it on the progressed Sun, a technique called "Solar Arc". The degrees the Sun has moved in the progressed chart relative to the natal chart are added to the natal Midheaven, and the rest of the houses are calculated based on that. Note that this house calculation uses the latitude where you were born, so the house distortions that affect quadrant house systems as you move away from the equator also affect progressed houses.

Any planet that moves around the same speed or slower than the Sun can move backwards through the houses as the angles progress. For example, if Neptune was in your 4th house when you were born, it could be in your 3rd house by the time you are 40.

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