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House Rulers for Sample Person

When a house ruler is in another house, it connects the two houses. The energies and themes of the ruled house blend with and express through the ruler’s house. For example, with the ruler of the 5th in the 2nd, we might turn a hobby into a side hustle. With the ruler of the 3rd in the 9th, we will gather facts & network in service of understanding the big picture of life.

House calculations require an accurate birth time & location.

Using Placidus houses with modern rulers. [register to change]

Sagittarius Sagittarius cusp
Capricorn Capricorn intercepted
Jupiter ruled by Jupiter in 9th
Saturn co-ruled by Saturn in 9th
Ruler of the 1st in the 9th
Your experience of your outer persona and style of interacting with the world will be given form in the house of higher learning, faith, and big-picture thinking. You will express your personality and outlook on life through travel, teaching, publishing, and/or developing your personal life philosophy.
No planets in this house.
Aquarius Aquarius cusp
Uranus ruled by Uranus in 11th
Ruler of the 2nd in the 11th
Your experience of self-worth and what you value will be given form in the house of affinity groups and hopes for the future. You will earn income, spend money, and acquire possessions through social networks and friends that share the same interests and goals.
No planets in this house.
Pisces Pisces cusp
Neptune ruled by Neptune in 12th
Ruler of the 3rd in the 12th
Your experience of gathering facts, communicating, and connecting to your local environment will be given form in the house of hidden places, the unconscious, the universal, and the Great Beyond. You will learn, organize information, and share ideas through your spiritual practice, place of retreat, or service to the masses.
No planets in this house.
Aries Aries cusp
Mars ruled by Mars in 11th
Ruler of the 4th in the 11th
Your experience of your home life, family, private self, and heritage will be given form in the house of affinity groups and hopes for the future. You will find your sense of home and emotional security through social networks and friends that share the same interests and goals.
No planets in this house.
Taurus Taurus cusp
Venus ruled by Venus in 8th
Ruler of the 5th in the 8th
Your experience of creativity, self-expression, and hobbies will be given form in the house of death, intimacy, shared resources, and the Underworld. You will play, pursue romance, and experience joy through your journey of self-transformation, resolving trauma & karmic contracts, and deep partnership.
No planets in this house.
Gemini Gemini cusp
Cancer Cancer intercepted
Mercury ruled by Mercury in 10th
Moon co-ruled by Moon in 10th
Ruler of the 6th in the 10th
Your experience of daily routines, work, and health will be given form in the house of aspirations, professional identity, and inner authority. You will serve others and maintain your well-being through your career, public reputation, and status.
No planets in this house.
Gemini Gemini cusp
Cancer Cancer intercepted
Mercury ruled by Mercury in 10th
Moon co-ruled by Moon in 10th
Ruler of the 7th in the 10th
Your experience of partnerships and one-on-one relationships will be given form in the house of aspirations, professional identity, and inner authority. You will relate to others through your career, public reputation, and status.
No planets in this house.
Leo Leo cusp
Sun ruled by Sun in 9th
Ruler of the 8th in the 9th
Your experience of power, shared resources, death, and the Underworld will be given form in the house of higher learning, faith, and big-picture thinking. You will experience intimacy and transformation through travel, teaching, publishing, and/or developing your personal life philosophy.
Planets in the 8th House
Venus Venus
ruler of 5th thru Taurus
ruler of 10th thru Libra
Virgo Virgo cusp
Mercury ruled by Mercury in 10th
Ruler of the 9th in the 10th
Your experience of higher learning, philosophy, and long-distance travel will be given form in the house of aspirations, professional identity, and inner authority. You will develop your beliefs and worldview through your career, public reputation, and status.
Planets in the 9th House
Sun Sun
ruler of 8th thru Leo
Jupiter Jupiter
ruler of 1st thru Sagittarius
ruler of 12th thru Sagittarius
Saturn Saturn
co-ruler of 1st thru Capricorn
co-ruler of 12th thru Capricorn
Pluto Pluto
ruler of 11th thru Scorpio
Libra Libra cusp
Venus ruled by Venus in 8th
Ruler of the 10th in the 8th
Your experience of your career, public image, and life direction will be given form in the house of death, intimacy, shared resources, and the Underworld. You will pursue your ambitions and inner authority through your journey of self-transformation, resolving trauma & karmic contracts, and deep partnership.
Planets in the 10th House
Moon Moon
co-ruler of 6th thru Cancer
co-ruler of 7th thru Cancer
Mercury Mercury
ruler of 6th thru Gemini
ruler of 7th thru Gemini
ruler of 9th thru Virgo
Scorpio Scorpio cusp
Pluto ruled by Pluto in 9th
Ruler of the 11th in the 9th
Your experience of friendships, group associations, and future goals will be given form in the house of higher learning, faith, and big-picture thinking. You will connect with friends and allies and envision progress through travel, teaching, publishing, and/or developing your personal life philosophy.
Planets in the 11th House
Mars Mars
ruler of 4th thru Aries
Uranus Uranus
ruler of 2nd thru Aquarius
Sagittarius Sagittarius cusp
Capricorn Capricorn intercepted
Jupiter ruled by Jupiter in 9th
Saturn co-ruled by Saturn in 9th
Ruler of the 12th in the 9th
Your experience of your unconscious mind, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life will be given form in the house of higher learning, faith, and big-picture thinking. You will connect and serve what is beyond the individual self through travel, teaching, publishing, and/or developing your personal life philosophy.
Planets in the 12th House
Neptune Neptune
ruler of 3rd thru Pisces
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